Jerry Cao

Rebooting Future

A teenage-led program that aims to change education and poverty with sustainability with the voice of future generations. As a part of I Share, we are involved in Mangbu, Yunnan, China and beyond...

Mangbu Middle School

Our Mission

Powered by our willingness to impact and care,
we use solid actions to motivate others and solve real-world issues.
Together, we, as the future, build the future.

Me building a robot for VEX competition

The Birth of Concept

After spending two years studying online at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic era, I became hugely interested in computer science. Exploring in different programming languages, including Python, HTML, which helps me to build websites on my own like this, and Octave, and robotics, I am eager to connect the knowledge I learned with applications on real-world issues. Finding the need for educational and communicational computers in rural areas of China, I got in touch with an NGO called I Share under Zhonggu Charity.

Acknowledging Actions and Impact

Learning every detail of diagnosing and fixing computers, I mastered my organization skills as I managed different fragile parts at the same time. Understanding more detailed picture of what our actions bring, I put in effort and dedication to spread the care we can offer. More than learning knowledge about laptop components, I enhanced my interpretation of the system with BIOS settings and disk images.

rf-packing rf-packing
Me refurbishing and packing computers
rf-raise-awareness rf-presentation-final
Me presenting our actions and solutions to this educational and financial issue.
rf-mangbu rf-donation
At Mangbu, Yunnan, China

Enlarging Our Impact

Touring several companies, I advocate for this sustainable way of processing waste computers while establishing educational platforms and communicational methods in rural areas of China, helping students to get connected to their parents who might be working in other towns. Gathering around 50 computers and fund for the recycling progress, I felt it was necessary to introduce this idea to other teenagers. Talking about my experiences and how teenagers can impact the world through mind-to-hand actions, I spread this concept and motive others to join charitable activities.


Total fund

20929.7 CNY



Raised fund

19,380.61 CNY

Matching fund

1,549.09 CNY

To further enlarge our impact, we used Tencent platform to raise funds. Along with the Tencent Charity's matching fund of 1549.09 CNY, we raised a total of 20,929.7 CNY. With 258 generous donors, including some of Rectory's classmates, we are able to maintain the program with new regenerated computers and fixing parts.

Fundraising for Rebooting Future in the 99 Giving Day by Tencent
Fund raised for Rebooting Future in the 99 Giving Day by Tencent
Translation: Total fund: 20,929.7 CNY

What's Next?

While continuing this program and spreading awareness, I wonder what should we do to impact the next. Are there better methods to help everyone? Are there more things we can do?